i was wondering if i am emo cause i cut.. people i know say emo people cut themselvs but they say they all dress like goths lyk all black etc and do it for attention seeking buh i dont have black hair and dont want attention and am just an ordinary girl who cuts so am i emo or not?? confused
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
You have to look at the symbolism of cutting yourself. The most obvious suggestion is that you are trying to hurt yourself. (I am assuming from the way you've phrased the question that you've done this more than once. If you've done it once, and then thought, "Hm, that wasn't such a good idea, I don't think I'll do that again," then I don't think you've got anything to worry about.)
So the question is, why do you want to hurt yourself? The most likely explanation is that you feel guilty about something. That doesn't mean that you've done something to feel guilty about, but it may mean that your family, or people around you, think that you "ought" to feel guilty, so that they don't have to, or because they resent you, or for a dozen other twisted reasons.
The next most likely explanation, going back to the symbolism of cutting and blood, is that you are "getting something out", - like squeezing a pimple. This links in with the idea of "bad blood", and the old medical practice of bleeding. Again, this goes back to the idea of guilt, or perhaps the Old Testament concept of being "unclean".
Another possible explanation is that you are trying to acquire scars. By and large, scars are not seen as a fashion statement these days, and so your motivation is possibly along the lines of "I want to make myself less attractive, because being attractive also attracts attention I don't want, or the possibility of relationships I am not ready for, or whatever."
Another possible explanation is that you are practising to attempt suicide, since cutting is one method of killing oneself.
I would suggest that you find a good counsellor, as a matter of urgency, so that you can explore the issues that are leading you to cutting yourself. You may also need to look at making some major changes in your life, such as moving away from a destructive relationship. I hope you have some kindly and trustworthy people in your life who can give you the support I think you are going to need. I've been in some dark places, and I promise you, that if you're willing to look honestly at yourself and where you've been, and if you're willing to exercise the courage to move forwards, things will get better. You've already made the first move, by putting this question on the web. I wish you good luck dealing with this.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
Well yes, in the sense that you are obviously psychotic and mentally ill.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
Emo stands for emotional, You're not Emo because you cut, in fact you're unstable. Emotional music is a genere like rock, grunge, hip hop, etcetera
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
your a cutter and they have help for you. emo got nothing to do with it sounds like a stereo type to me. just see a doctor and he will recomend you to a pychiatrist and you will be a non cutter in no time
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
The concern isn't whether you're emo or goth.
The concern is that you're doing something very dangerous. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE discuss this with your parents TODAY.
Right now. Walk away from the keyboard and tell them.
I'll wait.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
no. it means your desperate for attention.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
Emo is just a fad in how there are a few bands that dress in black and wear eye liner and sing about being lonely. Cutting is a serious pyschological issue that needs to be addressed with parents or a professional. Emo is just a name given to a group of kids who are going through a phase. It will disappear in time. The scars won't.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
If you are emo, then you are depressed. If you wear black (a depressing color) all the time, and have many piercings, then you are probably emo. If you cut yourself on purpose, then you are emo, although who would want to cut themselves on purpose? Emos also want to commit suicide.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
May I ask what makes you cut yourself? God gave you a beautiful body, soul and spirit. It is borrowed until you enter the other world. You must take care of yourself and love yourself..Please think about what state of mind you are in when you are doing this and seek help. The people whom are stating that emo people dress like goths etc are just stereotyping, there are many people that have the same problem that are not goths. I urge you to get to the root of the problem before you truely hurt yourself. Just think about princess Diana she did the same thing and she was not a goth.....
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
The act of cutting oneself was around long before goths or emo's, so ask youself this? What makes emos the same? Why do they have to identify with a group? I think it has something to do with being a sensitive person. I want to know why you cut yourself? What thoughts do you have to make you do it? If you worry about whether or not you fit into a group because of it, aren't you missing the whole point? You're hurting yourself. This isn't normal or ordinary behaviour. Most people are not compelled to do this. So why are you doing it? There's a deeper issue here. Maybe something in your life is really bothering you, and it's the only way you can deal with it, by gaining control over how much you can hurt yourself. At the core, I think you're scared and feel alone. It's hard to ask for help when you don't feel close to anyone, but I'm sure that if you tried you would find someone who would be willing to listen, and help you work through your problems so that you can understand yourself better, and take control back. Noone should ever have the power over you to make you want to suffer. If you have faith in yourself, you can tell those people to go to hell, and free yourself. Seek out people who want to enrich your life, they're out there.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
no this doesnt mean your emo. this means that as hard as it may be you should talk to someone because this is something that could really hurt you over time.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
no it doesnt sound like you are emo please tell me why you cut. cutting only makes things worse in the long term please talk to someone. im here for you if you need to talk but i can't help unless i know why you do it. did someone hurt you?
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
if you cut yourself youre crazy
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
No...I cut myself too and I am not emo. People are just weird....but sweety you need help for cutting yourself. So I suggest you see a therapist cuz cutting yourself is bad.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
No It Doesnt People Just Enjoy OverStereotyping People. Im A Cutter And Im Not Emo. Though I Make Fun Of Myself (but mainly so others will think im happy) But No Cutting Is NOT Emo. And Probably Most Emo People Dont Even Cut. Its Just NarrowMinded People OverStereoTyping.
If you cut yourself does that mean your emo??
No you are an idiot for cutting in the first place.
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