Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

My philosophy is that, the only reason to grow your hair out is to, in the end, cut it off...that's how I am, anyway. My dad won't let me cut my hair (no, not even a trim), so next year, when I turn 18, I'm cutting it all off. A cute pixie cut! Then I'll grow it out mid-length and do some cool tragically dyed emo-cut, and then grow it long and wear it pretty and curled with nifty little hair pins and what-nots. Then I'll repeat, maybe changing styles every now and then, but I yearn for change!!

So my questions are these:

What's the story behind your hairstyle?


Why in the world would you want the same one for so long?

Thanks =D

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

I used to keep my blond hair long all through high school and college. It was naturally blonde and thick and very straight. It was just very healthy, so I kept it long because I felt so good about my hair. Then one day I realized it was just too much STUFF hanging off my head-it was weighty and not flattering to my facial features. I cut it off and have had fun going back and forth with it over the years. Once in a while I grow it long again, only to cut it off (I donate to locks of love). I agree with you-change is fun! The most important thing is that you have a STYLE, not just hair that hangs, like I did for so long. It's a lot easier to do when your hair is cut to be styled a certain way. Also, layers around the face make a huge difference in your looks.

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

When I was growing up - my folks kept mine cut and styled, so I'm a lover of long hair.

I have curly curly hair that's easier to deal with long - when it's short, it requires more work and time than I'm willing to devote to it - it goes it's own way and does its own thing, which drives me mad. With length comes control.

Same one for so long? Mine is never the same. My style is dependent on how it dries and what it wants to do, I just go from there!

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

my sister used to grow her hair really long then donate it

i keep mine short in the summer and let it grow long in the winter

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

Well, i have never had really long hair, i think it is pretty..but it really depends, my cousin has long hair to her butt, and it looks like a mop. She wont do a thing to it. I think long hair is only pretty when styled. I have below the shoulder length hair, I never had long long hair so i thought i might let it grow out and see. But if not i'll chop it all off!

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

I don't know why your dad won't let you cut you hair, kindof strange but nonetheless. Some people are hippies like to go all natural, and there are some people like mormons who in religion don't believe in cutting there either( maybe for a natural reason also, I am guessing). And alot of it is for personal style. Also in the Bible it also says let your body/hair be your temple (or something like that). You should totally go for a pixie cut!. g/l

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

I have got quite long hair because i like my hair that way and it is hair depends on the mood i am in if i want to spend time doing it i straight it,other times i leave it curly.

i don't think the world wants people to have long hair

hair choice is down t the individual

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

in my case , so i don't have to pay for haircuts . although i shaved it off for a while after i had my first son - i just couldn't find the time to wash it . so i shaved it and would just wash it with sorbolene , so i didn't need conditioner ;it made my hair super soft , and velvety . also i find my hair annoying if i can't totally tie it out of the way .

how long is your hair . maybe you could donate it , or sell it ?

growing out hair is way more annoying than you'd think , maybe you could reverse the order of the styles you are considering - then you won't have to wait for it to grow , in between .

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

My hair is very long, past my waist. I keep it conditioned and healthy. I grow it that way in order to cut it for the "Locks of Love". They must have at least 12 inches. They cut my hair then donate it to cancer victims. As for my children, I've always told them that it's "just hair", they can do whatever the choose. It will grow back. My parents were the same way with me. It's just hair. Nothing religious here, just simple taste. Good luck.

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

My grandmother is a total hippie.

She's never cut her hair, shaved her legs or even worn shorts.

She says it feels 'real' to be all natural, and that dyed hair and fake boobs will just be our downfalls in the end.

When I got my tattoo, she didn't speak to me for a week except to tell me I'd defiled myself.

But whatever, that's just her opinion.

My hair is a mess of curls that almost touches my shoulders.

I have bangs somewhere in there, but I honestly can't find them anymore.

It doesn't look bad, though. Not at all.

Guess it just suits my personality.

I've had this 'do for about eight months now, but before that it had always been just-below-shoulder-with-layers since I was ten.

It made me feel like a kid. Not at all like I'm nineteen.

So, I changed it.

Why do people REALLY grow their hair long?

The "Grey" in Grey Raven is there for a reason. I have mostly silver-gray hair except for one area on top that is, for some unknown reason, turning clear. Yes, I swear; I have some clear hair.

I wear my hair long (about a 9" ponytail) for several reasons: With my white beard, I play a very convincing Santa Claus. I am pagan, and in turn represent the Holly King, the Horned God, and the Green Man.

But mainly, I wear it long because . . . I can. I am 56, not 16, and I have become pony-tailed and bearded, pierced, and tattooed -- all within the last five years.

Pissing off my parents is pretty well not the reason -- it's just who and what I am.

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