Saturday, April 14, 2012

My mom and my hair and my style.?

I have kind of a scene/emo style, and my mom hates it. When i said I wanted to get my hair cut, she goes "I'm Not paying for you to go get your hair cut all crazy again with bangs in your face. You look like a bad imitation of an ugly punk rocker boy." When first off, I only got my hair cut to my shoulder (its been long for like my whole life) And I have gotten so many compliments on my hair from EVERYONE in my school, and everyone thinks I'm very pretty. Then when she dropped me off at the hair place she had the nerve to say "make us proud" and I seriously wanted to turn around and tell her how horrible she is to me and how no matter what I do, and even though i get straight A's in school, and am a very good athlete . . . for some reason she will always find something wrong with me. . . . how can I get her off my back and live my own life. . . and why does she hate me so much? And i know she does hate me, so please don't say that she probably does'nt.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

pay for your own hair cut/move out get a job life is not all it's cracked up 2 be

she does hate you,but just remember you will have a kid just like you if you live long enough to grow up

My mom and my hair and my style.?

She doesn't hate you. She just thinks you use poor judgment with your dress and hair and possibly makeup.

As long as you are under her roof and she is paying for things then you need to tow the line for her.

When you are on your own, have a job and your own place then you can wear the weirdest clothes and hair you want.

My parents also did this to me. I got out of their house as soon as possible and have been happy ever since. I loved them but they were way too strict on me and it made our relationship bad for years after I left home. They have been dead a long time now, I miss them but I do not miss their constant criticism.

I am over 60 so this is not a new thing for your generation.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

love her for what she is, cause you know she loves you!!!

My mom and my hair and my style.?

she doesnt hate u...if u r pretty, y r u trying to hide ur face...tell u the truth i dont like those emo cuts

My mom and my hair and my style.?

i feel what ur going thru, and my mom doe the same.... she always has to criticise me or what i do. i'm sorry cuz i cant give any advice, cuz i need it myself!

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Okay. Why would she hate you because of your HAIRSTYLE hun you gotta think of the logic. Emo style on girls IS kinda stupid and ugly... getting compliments doesn't exactly they like it either.. right?

so what'd you get done at the end anyway?

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Sorry, but your mom is probably going to be controlling and bossy your whole life (mine is..). But she doesn't hate you, that's just her way of trying to raise you as to be a responsible, ethical, useful and potentially employable member of society. She loves you, really! And remember, one day you can tell her how much you appreciate her...from six states away! :-D

My mom and my hair and my style.?

the best way is just wait to u are 18 years old then u can do what u want with your hair

My mom and my hair and my style.?

sit down and talk with her about that and tell her u think she hates u

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Moms are very protective of their kids. You will find this out when you have kids some day. She probably wanted you to keep your hair long , but I say change is good. Talk to her about how she makes you feel, maybe it is not intentional. Congrats on the straight A's and being athletic!! Remind your Mom you are doing positive these things and not on drugs and etc. LOL

My mom and my hair and my style.?

You can get her off your back by continuing to get straight A's until you get a full-ride college scholarship and then finding a job in a distant city.

As far as what her problem is, it would probably take a lot of money and a good shrink to discover that. Usually it has something to do with how the parent was treated when they were a child...we all learn how to parent from our own parents, so good and bad parenting skills tend to be "inherited" tendencies. Some parents think they are conveying their pride in you when they criticize you; others are just abusive.

Regardless, while you are a minor and living in her home, you won't be on an equal enough footing with her to challenge her behavior - if you push back, she will likely just attribute it to an adolescent tantrum.

Find other role models among adults who do admire and respect your gifts - teachers, coaches, religious leaders, friends' parents, and so on. Eventually you'll be old enough to open a dialogue with your mom about why she feels compelled to treat you as she does and what might need to change in order for your relationship to be a healthy one. Seeking some advice from a reputable therapist before going down that road is probably a good idea.

Good luck.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

The only way is to turn 18 and shut her out of your life if she continues to put you down.

I think what she said was very hurtful and mean-spirited. You're beautiful and your her daughter no matter what your hair looks like. That should make her proud.

Stay strong and true to yourself. Don't do anything to impress anyone else. You will be loved as is. :)

My mom and my hair and my style.?


my cuzins mom is like urs she went and toled her mom

how she felt about her hair and sooo then then she explaines i only have one life and i want to li ve it the mom paid for everyting after that,clothes,haircuz ECT.

u juts have to say mom i wantt________then

sayi dont feel like im getting loved because i try my best and it seems like ur neveer satyisfied.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

ok, its not your fault. honestly, im sure she DOESNT hate you, but maybe hates the style ur into. she knows u better than u know urself, and im sure she thinks u need to modify ur style a bit. she knows this style ur into is just a phase, and u deserve to be prettier. the only way ur gonna live ur own life and get her off ur back is by growing up, and moving out, when ur 18, she has NO SAY in what u do. until then, show ur mom how mature u are by COMPROMISING with her on a hair style u'll both love! that will impress her, and might prompt her to start giving u more freedom in ur decisions.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

You don't sound like the kind of person that would actually take any reasonable advice (If you honestly believe your mom hates you because of the way you cut your hair) but my advice would be: sit down, talk to her. Ask her why it matters how you do your hair, when you're still doing well in school and sports and everything. It's your way of expressing yourself, and you need to make sure she understands that. You didn't mention how old you are, but I'd guess mid-teens, so you're old enough to be determining your own style. But if you don't explain this to her, parents have this nasty tendency of not figuring it out.

And if she still ignores you after you try to explain, don't rebel too much. She is paying your bills, and if she thinks it's an insult or whatever to have your hair really short, then find some other way of being yourself.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Well, first off, if your mother doesnt like it and YOURE paying for it, i dont really see the problem if you intend on cutting it anyways. Second, the fact that youre calling it "scene and emo" and stereotyping yourself (not to mention calling yourself pretty)only allows others to do so as well, especially the person who went through pain to have you. Youre taking this space as a blog in order to vent, and i think thats fine, but please give us some real issues to talk about and work out. I dont want you to get me wrong, i have a LOT of friends that describe themselves as "emo, scene ", pretty or whatever. Many call me that too, seeing as i dress in black and i have my hair cut that way as well (and Many more characteristics, the eyeliner, the nails, the attitude, the "look"), but i dont ask how to get my mother off my back to yahoo answers just for that. Wait till you get some devastating issues before you ask something because you might even sound shallow. You know your mother best, so you would have to get her, in your own way, to understand the "age" youre going through and what YOU want right now.

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