Friday, April 20, 2012

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

ok i really want to have to emo style. i have the personality the music and all the other stuff. but my mom will not let me do anything with my hair, makeup, or clothes. and i dont know what to do. please help me be myself!!!

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

I think that you can totally be yourself. If she buys you clothes, you can always mix and match to find your own style or modify the clothes, cut some sleeves. Unfortunately strict parents usually pay for everything and they call the shots as long as you live under their roof. Its one thing to go from what your parents dress you in to telling them you want to wear makeup and flatiron your hair and make it cover one eye. Of course they will react like parents. You can kindly explain to your mom that you don't feel comfortable in what she picks out for you and that if she HAS to pick it out maybe you two can reach a comprimise. I say just be yourself though. It doesn't matter what you dress like anyway. You just want the scene kid look to go with your personality. It's hard but I say talk to her about it. Don't whine or beg, talk like an adult and maybe she will treat you like one as far as letting you pick out your own clothes and hairstyle.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

I don't know how old you are, but you sound like a teenager. I would talk with your mother, tell her you will continue to respect her and her rules, but this is you.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

your either emo or your not .... wearing your hair , makeup an clothes a different way doesnt make you emo.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

just tell her thats how u wanna be and that is who you are. she will understand somehow

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

Don't cut your hair and let the bangs grow 1 feet covering your face.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

I agree with NinersFan!!! You cant choose to be it you are or your not dont be a poser PLEASE!!!

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

you just want a label through your highschool years and then your gonna be done with all this emo garbage. have you ever seen a 30 year old dressed as an emo? your mom's right, stay normal!

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

go to school and change in the bathroom if it matters to you that much.

i never agreed with parents dictating everything their kids wear (unless they're dressing like hookers or something), i think it destroys a bit of your self-expression.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

Don't do anything too drastic too soon.. you have to make it a really subtle change or else your parents will know what you're up to. Definitely do not talk to them about what you are doing if they're strict, and if they notice the changes, tell them that "your taste is changing."

Try this guide for going borderline emo. Good luck!

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

Be EMO at school or out and about with your friends. Respect what your parents say and command, but that doesn't mean you have to be their robotic slave. There are now many different ways to express EMO without going all- out. Try some things here and there, tell your parents it's the style of the day, ask them about their fashion experiences growing up and maybe have your girl friends do your makeup and/or give you tips. Just don't walk out the house in makeup and pink shirts. To them, that means "GAY". They may never understand, but that's okay. You love 'em nonetheless.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

go out with your friends to the mall BY YOURSELF(NO MOM) and get your hair cut there. If she gets mad say that you needed a haircut and the stylist thought that style would look good on you. Makeup? Put it on in the bathroom at school and take it off before you leave. Clothes just ask if you can wear skinny jeans and pick out a couple "emo" shirts that would look good with it.

How can i be emo with an overly strict mom?

Okay, well, seriously, I agree with the other people on not being a poser, but if your friends are really your friends they won't require you to wear black. And, if you are seriously emo, people can usually tell, unless they're preps or don't look that close at anyone. You just get that depressed thing, and it's kind of obvious. I don't wear black every day, usually black pants and a sweatshirt, I don't even wear tripp pants every day, but people know I'm emo. If people can't tell you're kind of emo already, maybe it's not for you. But if your friends with other emos, than it muight be for you. Maybe just wait until you make money and can buy your own clothes, then your mom can't really do anything about it. You can get a work permit at 14, so its not that long to wait.

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